Looking for private, accessible & affordable therapy? - Visit our partner 'Better Life Therapies'
Accessibility Options


We are a Charity and we do not have government funding, which means we are entirely reliant on external funding and donations.
All funding and donations that we receive allow us to continue to run and offer you our services.

Ways to support us

Donate via PayPal now.
You do not need a PayPal account

Go Get Funding

You can donate through our Crowdfunding page at:
Go Get Funding


Start your shopping on smile.amazon.co.uk, choose Chrysalis Centre for Change as your charity and every time you shop Amazon donates at no cost to you!

Give As You Live

Use the Give As You Live app to shop with and choose Chrysalis Centre for Change as your charity and we get donations whenever you shop - free to use!

Can you fundraise for us?

Can you fundraise for us?Can you do a sponsored treadmill walk? Hold a virtual coffee morning?

To ask about this and many more ideas contact us to get started straight away

Fundraising at Work

Can your business / employees fundraise for us? Wear a silly hat to work day; Pay £1 every time you wash your hands

For this and more ideas please contact us

Ideas to raise funding?

If you have any ideas about fundraising and how we can raise much needed funds, we would love to hear from you.

For this and more ideas please contact us

With your help we can continue to help women like Jenny.

Donate to help women like Jenny

Jenny is alone. She is vulnerable, isolated and frightened.Trapped in her own home, she is tormented daily with no escape, because Jenny's tormentor is her own mind.

Depression and anxiety so intense that she'd had no contact with anyone for weeks when she finally got in touch with us and asked for help.

Like Jenny, there are thousands of women with mental health problems, suffering, stigmatised, frightened and forgotten.
Your donation can help end this suffering. Show women like Jenny that they haven't been forgotten

Donate to help women like Jenny